Some information about by Fees. At this time, I do not accept insurance. My fees are $200 for 50 minutes of individual therapy. I accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. I also accept Venmo. I will send you a bill via this portal and you can pay via this portal. If you wish to pay via venmo, please let me know and I will submit bill to you on Venmo. The first session will be focused on collecting information about you and identifying your therapy goals. You will be assigned documents in this client portal that need to be completed prior to your first session. Reminder, please check my website for link, to verify you live in a state that is covered under the PsyPact agreement. If you are not from one of those states, your request for Appointment will not be approved. I am licensed in Iowa and Wisconsin, and via PsyPact can see others who live in those states.
Also, sessions are only available afterwork hours and on weekends. If you are looking to engage in therapy during the workday I will not be able to accommodate anything from 7am to 5pm CST. If you have a specific time request outside of 7am to 5pm CST that is not available on the schedule please email me at